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Änderungsprotokoll (Englisch)

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v4.1.3 (January 25, 2013)

v4.1.2 (January 18, 2013)

v4.1.1 (December 18, 2012)

v4.1 (December 14, 2012)

v4.0.10 (October 17, 2012)

v4.0.9 (September 26, 2012)

v4.0.8 (September 18, 2012)

v4.0.7 (September 2, 2012)

v4.0.6 (September 1, 2012)

v4.0.5 (September 1, 2012)

v4.0.4 (September 1, 2012)

v4.0.3 (August 26, 2012)

v4.0.2 (August 17, 2012)

v4.0.1 (August 16, 2012)

v4.0 (August 12, 2012)

v3.4.3 (April 20, 2012)

v3.4.2 (April 8, 2012)

v3.4.1 (March 23, 2012)

v3.4 (February 27, 2012)

This option was requested since the first version of the tweaker, so here you go.

Suggested by mathrick.

Now the tweaker automatically checks for new versions, and allows you to update with one click.

v3.3.2 (February 5, 2012)

v3.3.1 (January 15, 2012)

v3.3 (January 15, 2012)

Windows 7's taskbar provides no easy way to minimize a window in a combined item. The whell scroll options help here, but when a mouse wheel is not available (e.g. a laptop), they don't help much. The new option provides a way to minimize the active window by clicking on it's thumbnail.

This bug existed since the first version of the tweaker. When grouping was disabled programs which used to show multiple thmubnails for a single window (like IE and it's thumbnails for tabs) showed only one thumbnail.

v3.2.1 (December 17, 2011)

v3.2 (December 3, 2011)

From the setup wizard, you can choose to install the tweaker normally or to extract the portable version. The portable version works for both 32 and 64 bit systems.

You can choose to enable this option for the notification area or for the whole taskbar.

In case you disabled grouping for some (or all) of the taskbar items, you have now the option to open them one near the other.

v3.1.1 (November 27, 2011)

v3.1 (November 13, 2011)

Now you can choose to show a list instead of the thumbnail preview, show a tooltip (shows only if the title doesn't fit), or show nothing at all.

You can choose to combine (or not) your taskbar items. Also, you can set per Application ID rules for combining in Taskbar Inspector.

The tweaker has options for middle/double clicking the taskbar's empty space. It works great except when the taskbar gets full. This option reserves a little square at the end of the task list, where you can always double/middle click.

This option was requested several times, so here you go.

The most notable of which is that the thumbnail preview does not get closed when you minimize with the mouse wheel.

v3.0.2 (November 11, 2011)

See details here.


v3.0.1 (November 11, 2011)

v3.0 (October 22, 2011)

You can scroll between taskbar items with the mouse wheel, as well as minimize/restore a window when hovering a taskbar item or a thumbnail.

This option will keep the currently active group decombined, similarly to the "decombine on mouse hover" feature.

The options are now divided into three categories: Taskbar items, Grouping and combining, and Other, which will make it easier for you to navigate through them, and will make it easier for me to add new options. Special thanks to Arcyon for giving me some tips about the interface.

The previous versions had some flaws regarding thread safety. This could rarely lead to a crash, a Taskbar Inspector window that does not close, or some other issue. The new version fixes these.

v2.1 (June 15, 2011)

v2.0 (April 18, 2011)

There's a bonus coming with that feature: you can scroll your mouse wheel while holding the right mouse button to show/hide labels of the group under the mouse.

v1.8 (February 18, 2011)

v1.7 (January 7, 2011)

v1.6 (December 11, 2010)

v1.5 (November 27, 2010)

1. Reorder items within a group.

2. Per Application ID grouping options.

3. Multiple window closing.

v1.0 (September 30, 2009)